“You Are Going To Die”

It was a headline that really caught my attention, from an article posted in the opinion section of the New York Times online: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/20/you-are-going-to-die/.

The article goes on to talk about the author’s sadness at his mother’s announcement that she was moving into an assisted living facility. Having visions of an old fashioned “nursing home” where the patients were just left to die, out of sight and out of mind, his fears were unfounded. The facility was beautiful and his mother was really quite excited to move there.

However, he makes the point that his sadness comes more from the realization that he will lose his mother one day. It’s something we are all confronted with at one point or another. Whether it’s our own mortality or the loss of our loved ones, we have to deal with this reality.

While we cannot predict the quantity of our lives, we certainly have more tools today to maintain our quality of life! Each day we face the reality that each of us is as young as we’re ever going to be again, right now, this very minute. But we can go down fighting!

This is why we love doing what we do.  None of us wants to think about the reality of death (or taxes) but the only alternative to dying is to continue to age.

With so many boomers stepping into the later years of life, we are fortunate to see such an upswing in choices for maintaining our quality of life. Assisted living  allow us to get the care we need, without being “out of site and out of mind”. If you are looking for the right choice for adult care, let us help. Our service is free and we know how to help you make decisions about your living environment that will get the care you need while ensuring quality of life each and every day.

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