• Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA: Call Us

    Just like most of the rest of the country, much of the senior population uses cell phones in their daily lives. It is estimated that nearly 70% of Americans 65 and older now own a cell phone. That is just a little less than the 75.5% of the overall population that owns cell phones. This percentage will continue to increase as the baby boom generation ages. One of the main characteristics seniors appreciate in a cell phone is simplicity of use. A phone with more bells and whistles is not usually going to be the phone of choice for a senior. Because the seniors of today did not grow up with cell phones, they are not usually as comfortable with the technology as the seniors of tomorrow will be. The top cell phone features that seniors usually look for are the display and the buttons. Since many seniors have diminished vision the display needs to be easy to read, which […]

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