• adult family homes Vancouver WA

    Helping Seniors Downsize

    Many seniors have a plan to pay for assisted living expenses with the sale of their home. This process brings with it the challenges of moving and downsizing their household. Overwhelming and intense emotions, lots of difficult decisions and plenty of physical work makes many seniors put off something that must be done. While it is an inevitable part of moving to a new home, downsizing can be especially tough for seniors. Things they’ve accumulated over a lifetime, things with sentimental value that remind them of loved ones who are no longer here, are so hard to let go of. Our past is a big part of who we are, and often physical items hold the essence of our past. If these issues aren’t confronted, they may just become a barrier to moving. Fortunately for family members, there are some strategies you can try to ease the process, and unblock the resistance. Enlisting the help of trusted friends or family […]

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  • Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA: Help With Downsizing

    Collections of all kinds can bring joy to the owner. They can also take on a life of their own, and grow to larger proportions than you ever imagined. When it comes time to move out of your beloved home, or to downsize your home and belongings, selling your collectibles may be one of your options. Â A Caring Heart senior advisers Vancouver, WA have some tips for getting the most for your treasures. The two big factors in selling collectibles are determining the right price and finding a buyer for your collection. Here are some suggested resources to use in deciding what you will sell your collectibles for. First, try the kovels.com website or get the “Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide” at the library. Check Ebay and other online dealers for current prices. You can also pay for an appraisal if you think your items are worth more than a little. Look for an appraiser who is an […]

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