• Couple Walking During The Winter

    Preventing Winter Falls

    We are in the middle of the cold, snowy, rainy, icy season. Unless you don’t go outside at all at this time of year, you are at risk for a winter fall. We all know they can be very dangerous for seniors. Nearly 50 percent of falls for older people happen outside. And winter is an especially treacherous time of year to try to get around because of the snow and ice on the ground (depending on where you live). Here are some interesting ideas to help you prevent falls. Stay physically active. The fitter and stronger you are, the less likely you are to fall. Exercise makes you stronger and improves flexibility and balance. Wear socks over your shoes. There was a study done on people wearing socks over their shoes, and it showed that the people wearing socks on the outside slipped much less than those wearing just shoes. When walking on slippery ground, focus on changing your […]

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